


フォロー数:399 フォロワー数:504



The lad 😇(whoever made this, I appreciate you!)

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Pawmi, I love you. 🥹

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Shiny Lunatone & Solrock yesterday, from the recent Max Raid event.
Lunatone is one of those shinies where even though it’s a small change, it’s still beautiful. As for Solrock’s shiny.. red body, blue eyes.. shiny Solrock looks hot as hell! Names are Galileo and Cephei ☀️🌙🙏😍

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Sooo first shiny I got while my switch was set to inverted colours! Shiny Kantonian Weezing from DAs! Her name is Asphyxia 😍🙏💙💨

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Thank you to for the new profile artwork! Never disappoints 🙏🙏🙏

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"Really Shiny" Pokemon are more rare than Shiny Pokemon. When in battle, sparkles emit from their bodies.

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Really Shiny Pokemon are rarer than a regular shinies. When in battle, they constantly emit sparkles.

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"Really Shiny" concept of Pawniard/Bisharp

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