

Semifunctional Art Dispenser; DnD; Pathfinder; Fanart Ahoi;
Not NSFW, but follows a lot of people so be careful.

Banner by @OjiToast

フォロー数:1509 フォロワー数:587

Happy belated birthday, Ryrezle! 🎉🎉
Sorry to be so late to this ;w;
Shiki here with ttrpg art with a dash of fanart.

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I got nominated by for an Art Challenge to post my Artwork for 10 days and nominate another artist to do the same. 🎨

Day 5: Green.

I nominate the incredibly talented .

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Thank you, Lacrima! ✨✨ A quick selection of some of my latest:

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Grats on 4k, friendo! Oh gosh, so many already retweeting, it sounds overwhelming! I'll volunteer Miu'vendae, but I look forward to the waterfall of merfolk about to ensue ✨✨

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My scheming WoL, Shikiki Shiki.

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Design update for my Sorcerer, Z'bri, for a reset of a friend's campaign.

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It was time to update my elven graverobber, so got Miu's redesign done. She's still stuck as an NPC, but *one* day I'll be able to use them.

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Two more recent pieces from the ongoing Pathfinder campaign. On the left, Rei (and a bunch of other peeps) got blown up, so she was reconstituted quite a bit smaller until she can heal. On the right, one of the setting's deities, Charl. A good boi.

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Grats on 1.7k! You're doing magnificent, yo. ✨✨
Entering Noriko, tiefling pyromancer.

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Formal event in upcoming Pathfinder session, so Z'bri needed a proper outfit. ✨✨ *Why yes*, I did read the stuck of the home, how did you know?

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