

Writer / VR Enthusiast / Army Veteran / #GGArmy / Female Digital Entity Piloting a Male Meat Golem

フォロー数:531 フォロワー数:4156

Its true. That's why we in a mexican restaurant

0 3

Fever finally broke. Woke up after a real night's sleep, first I've had in days. I think we are coming out of it!!!

1 49

Is someone hating on my feckin' Lolathon?! I'll get them right in the goods! >:O

0 27

GOING LIVE: SHINIKAMI-Z : The Partner Saga | Season 2: Episode 11 | Post-stream credits! | > 4.5K

When that Dragon Ball just right

0 8

GOING LIVE: SHINIKAMI-Z : The Partner Saga | Season 2: Episode 6 | Post-stream credits! | > 4.2K

MFW Majin Vegeta realizes he beat me only because I didn't actually try.

0 11

GOING LIVE: SHINIKAMI-Z : The Partner Saga | Season 2: Episode 5 | Post-stream credits! | > 4.1K

Here, have a badly cropped meme!

1 14

Thanks man! That means so much to me!!!

0 1

Is that an image animated by ??? I THINK IT IS. Welcome the new addition to our stream! Thanks again to KJOEE for the amazing work. The rest of you should throw them a follow! :)

6 50

I couldn't sit here and be the odd man out!!!

0 4