ShinyZango 🧜‍♂️さんのプロフィール画像

ShinyZango 🧜‍♂️さんのイラストまとめ

|| 31 : ♀️ : ♒ : 🇮🇹 ||

Art, games, and shenanigans. I work on fixations, very occasional 🔞 content. Be respectful about it, thank you.

フォロー数:181 フォロワー数:2184

March's Patreon Monthly Poll - Emoji Challenge

Ops, kind of forgot to post this publicly, but this was March's Monthly poll's winner on my Patreon page. I feel like I could have made something more clever with the prompt, but I'm still happy about the result.

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Had another Drawpile session with friends and yeah, wanted to share my own sketches on it.

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It took me 3 years, but I finally drew a new profile icon. yaaay.

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Had a small Drawpile session with friends to unwind form today's mess. These sketches came out well so I decided to post them.

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Seeing this thing going around...

Well, in these last few years it's been my babies Hans and Clara. They have brought me so much joy and they always bring a smile to my face whenever I think of them and/or draw them.

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It a baby

Felt like trying drawing a chibi... need to get faster at these since I was tempted to offer these as commissions. Let me know if you're interested.

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More tests and practice sessions on my phone. I'm starting to get the hang of it.
Anyways hello it's my (neglated) babies Zango and Keho that I haven't drawn in forever and I am still twicking their designs after so many years lol

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Hey look, it’s the one who snatches!

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December's Patreon Monthly Poll winner - Snowman + Krampus

The poll ended up in a draw between Snowman and Krampus, so I decided to give a try at a mixture of the two. Maybe focused too much on the Krampus side, but I don't mind how ti came out. Hope you all like it!

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Month Challenge 2020 - David & Yvonne

Day 30! It’s 's big grandpa and smol girl David and Yvonne!

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