

🔝Top!Luffy👑 | 👒左 | ⚔️🕒🐯🌷右 | 🎩🔥 | 🍄☂️ ❌🔄 | ❗This is my safe place, don't bother me❗ |
drawing acc: @Singkongsalto…

フォロー数:165 フォロワー数:332

"Mwah~" ❤️💙
For LuSan Kisses Event Day 1: an unexpected kiss 👒🕒

46 291

For LuSan Kisses Event Day 1:
Kisses where one person is sitting in the other's lap.
Thanks to my belove kongpres
And taggin

21 152

Gatau gemes aja ama mereka😭❤️

0 5

4. Finish
Semoga suka, ni gue gatau deh mo bilang apa lagi, yg jelas LOVE LUSAN MORE AND MORE❤️💙

1 6

Finnaly I finish this wip😭
Captain x Cook❤️💙 👒🚬
Taggin my beloved kongpres
And sure you too

6 52

Mau ramein ini juga hehe, kebut banget nih😭
Happy LuSan Day✨ 👒🚬
Mau tag my beloved kongpres

8 107

Gatau jadinya kek gini wkwk but I love it❤️💙

Tag ngkong gapapa kan, iya gapapa, oke

8 65

Happy Birthday Monkey D. luffy❤️
The most beloved captain, the future pirate king👑

2 71

Happy Birthday Sanji🥳💙
Luffy make a cupcake birthday only for his beloved cook❤️

Tag my beloved kongpres
Thank you for your support💙

3 38

Ga tau bisa menghibur apa ngga, tapi here we go~

Luffy x his wives
Bini (1 & 3) Zoro & Law : "Hadeh..."
Bini (2) Sanji: "Hayuk!!!"
Luffy: "GAS!!!"

Tag my kongpres
Art & animated by wapres

4 62