

Single&Open Bavarian/Cologne-Bounce-Shisha-Hooosk|VR|Party|Dancing|Cocktails|IT|Cars|Cooking|Telegram:@ShishaSheppy|SuitBro:@dainty_dragon|HuskyBro:@Lyserc…

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I just fulfilled myself a long years dream *wagwagwag*

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Able to bring your Hookah to
Then join our Hookah meetup Saturday at 2pm at the stairs near the firepit! A open roundtable for Hookah enthusiasts guided by me to share your experiences.
Make sure to bring all stuff you need to prepare a good smoking pipe ^_^

3 46

Someone recommended me to watch the Anime "Your Name"
I just did and wow! one of the most beautiful movies ive watched in ages ... a real masterpiece ... like if you feel the same and rt if you really love the movie like me. Somehow the movie made me happy

10 31

Im searching for a nice photographer who could take the GroupPhoto at on Saturday after the Menagerie. If you like to help us - please poke me ^_^ pRT

6 30

Finally watching the movie by grab your copy here -->

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