

Looking for a good stretch!?

フォロー数:1086 フォロワー数:1578

NFT by This was way too clean to be on the floor. Happy to finally join the FF fam.

24 66

Woke up to this in my wallet, I just want to thank Myself for buying this beautiful Zipper Face late last night so I can wake up and post about it! 🤣Welcome home, you’re now in safe hands 🤙❤️ NFT by

19 84

Finally a 3Lander! Shout out to and for the warm welcome. Looking forward to meeting more of the family. is now in safe hands.

27 152

NFT by Appreciations to whoever let this go. She’s now in safe hands 💯

18 78

Today is my daughter’s birthday so I bought her, her first NFT 🥰 . These fit her vibe and now she can rock/flex this on her Apple Watch. Also had to grab me one too 🤙

47 163

continuously delivering and steadily growing organically. Slept on more than a couch at a frat house, these guys continue to build in the background. Forefront=Too late. Get in soon 🤙

9 32