

tReAsuRe goBLin @truth @goblintown

フォロー数:1117 フォロワー数:2104

diS mY fReNd RayBurT, hE LiKez to hAng arOwnd da dRaggin boNeYard aNd keTch da buTTbaTs at niTe. dEn hE miLk da gLandS and seLL daT jUice to siLLY hoOmans. i hEar dEy mAke fanSee liP gLoss, Ray a sMart goB.

22 72

fOr aNyOne woNdeRin aBowT da pOor LiL wEegoB daT loSt hiS taSty trEat frUm da iCeCreAm SanDwHichH sHop

21 91

Once upon a time in a goblin’s land,
A young one was handed a treat that was grand.
An ice cream cone, so tall and so sweet,
The goblin’s small heart skipped a large goblin beat.


26 80

eVryOne maKe sHur and bUnDLe up doZe beBes, iTz coLd oWtsiDe!

34 140

da LaSt piEce of da pUzZLe WAs geTtinG a pRoTekchUn oVeR PiCKLz. wE doNt kNoW wuT werE goiNG UP aGinSt witH da biG mEaNY Ed. 1/5 🧵

9 54

dOnT woRry mOnKEes, wiLL sTiL tAke uR fuNny mOneY

15 102

oMG!! “goBLin mOde” neEdz to be wOrD of da YeAr! pLeeZe go VoTE!

20 69

WOAH! i hAd a fEeLin suMfiN biG wuZ goNna haPpin, bUt nOt diS. dA meTaMoRfisuS wuZ sUpr kWik aNd i’M noT qUitE shUr he’s dOne cHanGinG. SkrOTus wAnZ to tAke hiM bAck to da Lab fo tEsts, buT aLL i cAn tiNK aboWt is taKin hiM fo a riDe. Meet Picklz

21 77

diS gRumpL goT an atTiTude!

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