

No art is mine.
Alphys waifus❤💍

my discord

フォロー数:313 フォロワー数:1411

*anime schoolgirl kohai stare*

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Anata wa sore o okonau koto ga dekimasu Brolly!!!!! GAMBATTE!!! Which translates to you can do it brolly!! GOOD LUCK!!!

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"Morning to everyone!"

1 14

Sees on of my idols as i am nervous seeing

0 3

Incomming nerd lizard rant "I may get a lot of slack but dont you hate it when you follow someone and you be super nice and introduce yourzelf to them in dms but they dont reply back or try type on the TL say "ohhh i need someone to rp with,why wont anyone rp with me?" EXCUSE ME-

1 7

"Good morning. Happy friday!"

0 10