

OPINIONS STATED ARE MY OWN. Asian-American Artist in California's Bay Area. Aspiring Game Dev. Politically Centrist. High-Functioning Autistic.

フォロー数:68 フォロワー数:112
# arrow

*Your OC* is trending right now so here's a few of mine.

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So with Felicity leaving the show in time for the final season of maybe they can finally get to the actual canon to the comics romance of Green Arrow/Black Canary? Felicity was fun at first but her presence really messed up the Green Arrow lore something terrible.

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I really like how the "I will now buy your game" thing took off with people making up an entire story based on a stupid complaint.

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That's a cute crab I NO DONT DO THAT

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My ZSS figure I bought a little while back seems to fit the size of the male model better.

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And the female counterpart I bought for my male artists mannequin has arrived!

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Trying to make homemade potato chips. I cut 1 potato up and brined the slices for an hour before putting them into our dehydrator.

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