

Horr-ore ¤ Graphic Artist ¤ Puppet Master Freak ¤ SFX Artist…

フォロー数:2337 フォロワー数:3178

How archaic! The duck test is much more reliable.

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When he realized what the vet had done to him...

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Yup, same here. Zero tolerance for xenophobia.

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Oh man, I'm both freaking ecstatic about this and dreading the feels.

But mostly ecstatic.

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I still replay these games 💗 I actually just started another character a week or so ago.

To this day they remain my favorite series of video games.

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An emu. It was when I was a kid on a school trip to a zoo. I made the mistake of wearing a striped shirt, and the emu thought it was dinner (caterpillars or something).

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