


🌿Spore I 21 I She/Her/They/Them I Occupational Therapist🌿
🔞NSFW🔞: twitter.com/Shroomatnight

フォロー数:148 フォロワー数:203

Mario kart stream lives in my head rent free

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While i havent been drawing any full out scene images in a while, i often think i have not progressed at all during the years, but this was a slap in the face of self esteem! the years have been up and down all around, but it worked nice on my art

2019 vs 2022

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Commission for ! thank you so much <3

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Lineless + shaded Examples 💚

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Line-Art coloured + Shaded exmaples💚

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Homestuck is treding? good. i drew a shit ton for my sona

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