

KuriGohan and Kamehameha | Avid appreciator of blondes |
#LakeShow (18-13)

フォロー数:180 フォロワー数:178

Finished Chihayafuru


Unbelievable last stretch of chapters, filled with the most intense and emotional moments I've seen. The cast is unbelievably good, and that truly shined in the last moments. You truly can't hate anyone, it all came full circle.

5 52

Chihayafuru s3✅


One of the best starts and endings to a season ever, even if said ending is an omega cliffhanger like holy hell WHY. Anyway, the middle had a lot of ups and downs but it was still really good, the characters are getting more and more amazing, and I gott-

3 48

Chihayafuru s1✅


Kinda slow at first but that latter half picked up so much, I'm loving the cast more and more, whilst also being more easily being lured in by it's story. Chihaya's personality especially makes the series so much, and the emotional moments hit as well.

2 22

Finished 86 anime✅


Great premise with a solid cast of characters paired with an absolutely perfect ending and final half. I admit I wasnt feeling it in the first half of cour 1 but it picked up and Shin's character and journey was something to behold.

7 40

It's a certain someone, I forgot but can yall sherr yt?

1 24

Kono Oto Tomare s1


WAYYYY better than expected, I admit it got kinda slow after ep 5, but that last ep is fucking incredible, AND THEY LEFT IT AT THAT. Yeah no man im starting the next season almost immediately. The cast is so darn lovable and I hope to continue to see-

5 31