

YouTuber. Voice Actor. Streamer for @eastasiasoft…

フォロー数:378 フォロワー数:10935

On this day in 1990 (30 years ago), Mew was first trademarked in Japan under the spelling "ミュー".

Mew turns 30 today, and so does the very first official Pokemon ANYTHING.

13 96

My artist, made some amazing art of my character, and the characters of my friends.

4 122

My artist REALLY came in clutch with the thumbnail art for my streams. Here are all of them in their full glory! She REALLY made Zippy look like a hardcore cosplayer! Please go thank her for her amazing work!

8 80

I'm getting my artist to draw the thumbnails for my Shiny Races. I can't be more thrilled with the art she's producing for me!

6 59

My artist has done it again! Here's the thumbnail art for today's stream, which begins in a few hours!

6 52

She also drew art for , who is also in the video, but unfortunately I just couldn't find a way to squeeze it in. So here it is for you to see here!

3 56

My artist has done it again! Thanks

17 193

I swear, if ANY of you share leaks or spoilers about Let's Go before I get to play it...

6 74