

Just a little shark looking to try and make friends.

Genderfluid/all pronouns, minors DNI

フォロー数:213 フォロワー数:249



In 15 minutes, I'll be celebrating my birthday by doing a special long stream of my favorite game, Celeste!

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Here you go! I have two forms! Also, hello fellow shark!

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This sounds like fun! I'm curious what you'll think of for me. I can actually transform between these two forms.

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"Shy got an idea. An awful idea. Shy got a wonderful, awful idea!"

Awesome art by . Love how well they captured my mischievous side.

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Sure thing! I have two forms!

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I'm torn between B1, B3, and E4! Feel free to pick whichever one you want and whichever of my two forms you like!

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You're welcome to try.

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Thanks for the opportunity.

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