

Longtime Weirdo.
He/Him. Old.
18+ Only Pls.

フォロー数:120 フォロワー数:9134

Think I finally got my tablet issues sorted, but I had started trying to draw a quick little something on another device just to experiment. Check it out over on my Patreon.

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Sure, she's starting to have a tough time getting around, but that doesn't mean she's totally helpless!

For instance, she can squish out a pretty mean chocolate syrup swizzle AND satisfy her sweet tooth at the same dang time!

(Smaller public version of an old Patreon Post)

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And here's another one I let go public a bit ago, so I'll post it here

I wonder what she said to get her so miffed.

This is the one where their looks are inspired by old video game characters. Vachidra on dA got it in one. Check the for the answer there or keep guessing here.

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Taking a break from getting caught up on writing (new Bellflower is coming), to post a small (but puffy) cheek appreciation compilation, since y'all seem to dig them as much as me!

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Literal Urgency

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New art up on my Patreon.
Not only is this girl full of cream, I tried (& likely failed) to gave her a bit of a fun accent. As if the UK hasn't been through enough these past couple years...

(And messy blueberry variant coming soon)

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(I go back & forth between preferring the Alpha outfit, if I'm honest)

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