

mum, writer, artist, spoonie, perpetually tired. she/her. FFXIV/BG3 player. Aether/Jenova, also on Coeurl, Cactuar, Lamia and Midgardsormr. 🇬🇧 🇺🇸 🇵🇭

フォロー数:2083 フォロワー数:834

First new digital art since the move! Drawn with Adobe Sketchbook.

lady at one of those Ishgardian parties, probably watching all sorts of drama unfold.

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My DNC Kiki and her uncle, Morroyo (who's an SMN)🥰🐱#FFXIV

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Trippy has an on again/off again relationship with a fellow Lalafell, Bernard Lightfoot.

Lewin is now married happily to his husband, Beauregard Dzamael. He was affianced to someone else before, but it didn't work out.

Morroyo is married to his soulmate, Lethe Tavross.

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My premise for him was "What if he never returned to Gridania and stayed an adventurer?" AU. An alternate version of Ywain Deepwell, the Lancer Guildmaster. Ironically, he didn't STAY a lancer/dragoon, and is a MCH/BLM instead.

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Kiki was the first original I made who wasn't based on one of my previous characters from another game. She is Morroyo's niece (her mother is his younger sister). She started out as a Dragoon like Gray, and is now a Dancer main.

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Gray is one of the oldest OCs I have (since days, as an Imperial Operative). He started as a Hyur Highlander Dragoon, then became a Bard. He's one of two I've fantasia-ed. He's now an Elezen RDM, and is formally known as Ethan Alisieux of Ishgard.

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Have some verrrry early of my main Morroyo...back when he still had his orange tattoos and wearing ridiculous hoods and hats! 😂#FFXIV

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Morroyo: Warm, open, inviting, likes to talk

Lewin: Nice guy, kind, if a bit plain. (He uses this to his advantage, by the way)

Sifafa: Cute, enthusiastic, but won't hesitate to put you in your place if needed.

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Morroyo would try to engage her in conversation, tell her stories about his more interesting adventures, and not push her into speaking if she didn't want to.

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My pint sized Lala tank Trippy and my Elezen Bard/Red Mage Ysabel! 🥰

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