

mum, writer, artist, spoonie, perpetually tired. she/her. FFXIV/BG3 player. Aether/Jenova, also on Coeurl, Cactuar, Lamia and Midgardsormr. 🇬🇧 🇺🇸 🇵🇭

フォロー数:2179 フォロワー数:873
# ffxiv

Ysabel, Gray, Jarnic and Kezz. Ysabel is of House Guillemette of Ishgard. Gray and Jarnic are first cousins (Jarnic also has a younger brother Cadfayel). Kezz is a Duskwight Black Mage and Ninja.

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Morroyo is 'saying no to anyone'. Both his husband and (Black Mage) twin brother facepalm about this a LOT 😂

Trippy is so enthusiastic, she just crashes through personal space. Not to be mean, she just doesn't think.
Think overexcited golden retriever x 10.

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Morroyo is actually my 'teacher' persona who loves teaching (but can't in RL) He's also named for 2 RL family friends/relatives to honor my heritage. Trippy is the tiny firecracker with absolutely no filter. xD She's the opposite of Morroyo, who says what I REALLY think sometimes

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Morroyo has a soft accent, almost like a Spanish lilt. He doesn't raise his voice unless it's warranted.

Lewin has the accent that all Gridanians have. Though it's mellowed the longer he's away.

Ysabel has the rarified Ishgardian noble accent.

Trippy tends to talk really fast.

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Morroyo: matcha tea
Remn: Jack Daniels Whiskey

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For my Miqo'te Summoner/Scholar, Oded Fehr

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Morroyo? Nope. He was pretty oblivious to flirting. I guess if you count the fact that he met his husband his first day in Limsa...he stepped off the boarding plank wrong and 's Lethe saved him from an embarrassing dip in the ocean. They locked eyes and, well. 🤣

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Cygnette: sometimes, depends on what it's about.

Rem: quick to anger, quick to calm down. Sometimes slow to forgive.

Kezz: no, but then he plots eventual revenge

Ysabel: it takes a lot for her to lose her temper.

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