

mum, writer, artist, spoonie, perpetually tired. she/her. FFXIV/BG3 player. Aether/Jenova, also on Coeurl, Cactuar, Lamia and Midgardsormr. 🇬🇧 🇺🇸 🇵🇭

フォロー数:2217 フォロワー数:896

Hsieh's adventures with Hidebrand Manderville and Nashu Maharacca...

She's just along for the ride. It's the most hilarious WTF ever. 😂😂😂#FinalFantasyXIV

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I have several who I play, but my main WoL is Morroyo Baquiran, Miqote Sun Seeker. He's usually a summoner/scholar, but is also a samurai. Wise and generous, and a jack of all trades. People are surprised to find out he's also a ninja and an Indiana Jones Gunbreaker/relic hunter.

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My Miqote WoL, Morroyo. He's actually a Summoner/Scholar main, but is also a Samurai and Gunbreaker. Kind and wise, and a diplomat and healer. Morroyo has an identical twin brother and is married to 's Lethe.

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Some of my Team Disaster Badasses...

Kiki (Miqote Ninja/Dragoon), Graystrike (Bard/Dragoon/Mechanist), Kezz (Elezen Duskwight Monk/Ninja), and Morroyo (Miqote Summoner/Gunbreaker, who happens to be Kiki's uncle).

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One of the rare times Morroyo is actually smiling in when he's doing the Manderville.

"I can't believe I'm doing this...." 🤣🤣🤣

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Post a picture of your OC as the final boss without taking a new picture.

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Summoner Morroyo at the end of "A Realm Reborn" and right before "Heavensward". He is SO DONE. He has the reputation of being a calm and collected diplomat. After this, he's about to lose that famous cool.

And he doesn't usually get pissed off.

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My first shot at drawing my Miquote Summoner Morroyo. Not really happy with this, but I did finish it. I realized that every game version I have of him have...angular faces. 🤣#art

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