

mum, writer, artist, spoonie, perpetually tired. she/her. FFXIV/BG3 player. Aether/Jenova, also on Coerl, Cactuar, Lamia and Midgardsormr. 🇬🇧 🇺🇸 🇵🇭

フォロー数:2144 フォロワー数:850

Have a pic of me in Chinese qipao and three of my WoLs.

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Patient, long-suffering Cat Dad/Uncle/Grandpa (Morroyo)

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Morroyo was named for a RL family friend. (who was a physician. Morroyo's a Healer, so it fit) His adopted surname Baquiran is my grandma's maiden name. In game, Morroyo took the name to honor his first arcanist mentor.

His birthname is M'hroyo Tia.

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Ask about Morroyo or Lilene! 🥰#FFXIV

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Worst Liar: Trippy. She has absolutely NO poker face. She'd blurt out something (the wrong thing) if you look at her funny. 😂

Best Liar: Kezz. Secrets are his job. He's a spy and an assassin.

Surprisingly good at it: Morroyo. He's a diplomat and he knows secrets.

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Jarnic, Gray and Kezz 🥰

(Jarnic and Gray are first cousins. Their mothers are sisters.)

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My Mi'qote SMN/SCH, Morroyo ❤️

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My main, Morroyo, his niece Kiki, and my monk main Nhamae.

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Morroyo is based on 2 RL people. His name is from a RL family friend, who was a physician. Since Morroyo's a Healer in-game, it fit.

He was born M'hroyo Tia (retconned his birth name but kept his original name). His surname Baquiran is my grandma's maiden name.

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1) If you can't find Morroyo, don't panic at first. He's out fishing and doesn't want to be disturbed.
2) He gets the zoomies.
3) One of his life's goals is to sample every tea in the Far East.
4) He's the exasperated grandpa figure.
5) He's always short on sleep.

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