

mum, writer, artist, spoonie, perpetually tired. she/her. FFXIV/BG3 player. Aether/Jenova, also on Coeurl, Cactuar, Lamia and Midgardsormr. 🇬🇧 🇺🇸 🇵🇭

フォロー数:2080 フォロワー数:823

I don't usually post about this because he's my AU take on a minor character (who isn't very popular). His premise is "What if he TURNED DOWN the offer to go back to Gridania and stayed an adventurer?"per Encyclopedia Eorzea.

Ywain Deepwell, DRG/MCH/BLM

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Morroyo's Azem is named Luma (short for Lumalayag, one of the warriors who fight the spirits of sickness in Filipino mythology). Luma is also a Healer, and an expert in the use of aetherology in combating disease. He submitted a design to Hyth that's close to a Sage's nouliths.

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Morroyo is the LEAST likely to punch someone, but if he does, it's for a damn good reason. And if he does, someone ELSE better be doing Healing.

Rem is the MOST likely to punch someone. He doesn't tolerate stupidity really well and he's got a temper.

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Ysabel does the Eerie Witch glam for All Saints' Wake/Halloween! Of course, she loves to accessorize with stuff from her closet. 🥰#FFXIV

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Morroyo has an identical twin brother, Saoshinn (M'Zaoshin), who is a Black Mage. He's the Scions' go-to with Dark Magic/necromancy. He has another brother and three sisters.

Lewin is an only child.

Ysabel has a twin brother, Gaspard, who is the Head of their Ishgardian House.

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Shards AU: Remyen Jimada, Au Ra (if he'd taken more after his Au Ra mother than his Hyur father)

Morroyo Trickfoot, Viera (if he'd started in Dalmasca instead of the Sagoli as a Miqo'te)

Lewin Guillemette, Elezen (if he'd been born in Ishgard instead of Gridania)

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Morroyo is based on two RL people, and he's had a long history as an OC. He started as a Cathar Sage in SWTOR, and was a Pandaren Brewmaster Monk and a Worgen Priest in WoW (that's his Human form, resembling the RL Morroyo I knew). Now he's a Miqo SMN.

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Morroyo would prove that he's innocent, then offer to help catch the real perpetrator. Rem would be "Hell NO!", break out of jail, THEN go after the false accuser AND the crook. Hsieh would go on a vendetta and take care of the guilty parties,shinobi style, living bodies optional

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For Morroyo, a friendly smile and a good story works wonders. Tea is optional, but a BIG plus.

For prepared for him to be REALLLY suspicious of your motives until you show him that you're trustworthy. (He's on the other side of the spectrum)

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Bringing back my designs. Bard, Monk, Ninja and Red Mage, all wearing level 50 gear. 🥰Will be working on other classes.

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