

Film (mostly giallo and Italian genre film). Co-host of Fragments of Fear podcast

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Just got an email that my HIGH CRIME BR has shipped. Exciting!

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Roberto Curti has already provided us with essential tomes on the poliziotteschi and Italian gothic and now it won’t be too long before we get to read his book on the Giallo. Proud to have contributed a lot of artwork for this.

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First time watch of I WALKED WITH A ZOMBIE last night. Like most first time viewers (I assume), I was blown away by the stunning sequence in the cane fields. Imagine being one of those people who don’t watch old and/or B&W films and missing out on stuff like this!

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And the rest of the directors

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Boom! Finally an English friendly Mark film on disc

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Relating hard right now

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How the hell is this album 15 years old already?

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Rewatch of Wait Until Dark. There’s so much I love about this film, Audrey, the 60’s feel of it, Mancini’s soundtrack with the differently tuned pianos, the elaborate con game and Alan Arkin’s quietly menacing character. I’ll be returning regularly to this for the rest of my life

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Damm, really is on a roll at the moment!

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