

30. she/her. I sometimes draw, sometimes write. there is nothing of value here.

フォロー数:900 フォロワー数:44

"Stop! STOP!! He's already dead...!"
(This is officially my favorite piece of AoT art)

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Like, yeah, he groomed a child with the intention of using said child for revenge, but if you're gonna murder a man's son and then make him babysit YOUR kids, you should expect everything that happens after that. This is tame compared to what he could've done.

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17 episodes in, and this is currently the most attractive thing in AoT that isn't named Reiner or Erwin. I want this lipless, emo elf to step on me. NOT the child inside of it. This must be what people who wanna fuck FNAF animatronics feel like...

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Hello. Call me Silver. I've been doing traditional art for about 14 years, mostly watercolor, ballpoint pens and colored pencils, but I've recently discovered that my true love is painting with ink

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My only complaint about Fates is that they created one of the BEST characters in the franchise, then promptly forgot about him. Even in the route where he's important, he only has like, 3 lines! At least Kozaki gives him the respect he deserves💖

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My very first OC, Silver. I'd love to see you cute-ify her.

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Mostly traditional, sometimes edgy, self-loather

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I put a super, SUPER old painting I did of Gunther (like, literally the first one I ever did) into and... I kinda like it? He looks like he belongs in a cgi cartoon version of Game of Thrones.

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I legit had a whole damn Series planned out when I was in middle/highschool. Then I discovered Fire Emblem, and that ruined everything 🤣. Seriously tho, I lost so much original art when my old hard drive crashed, though thankfully, some of it's still on my old dA account.

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