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#moonmystic #NRRTG
Breathe with me in Spell binding kisses.For in Waking dreams u found me again.Riding hurricanes of what once was, the torment the pain,we'll conqure them all.With ur wild flower eyes & shop girl wishes. Stepping forth in to a brand new world,making it all ours
#NatureVerse 205 #NRRTG
I burn in loves Fire eternal.
Devouring flames of twin souls being reunited through time &space once again.There is a Majesty in the shadows we cast as our souls intertwined.Sunkissed bravery of two people that are meant to be one through time
#Dimpleverse #love
Let me kiss your #bruised
heart with my #brief words, you are
#brave and I love you
Her heart BRAVE but BRUISED
The pain not BRIEF, & ran deep
But I'll always love her
#HaikuLust #love #haiku #NRRTG
As her heart opened,our
Lips did touch & we lost ourselves
In the bliss of love
#DimpleVerse #prompt
I knew lifegave me an UNFAIR BOARD to play upon.With the CHESS PIECES forever stacked against me. My Kingdom stolen from my mother who was executed. & Isecretly smuggled out of the country.But now I am of age&know the truth.I will take backmy sovereign rule
Her rage &anger from betrayal such,that with asingle look she brought life at a standstill. Living sculptures frozen intime scattered her domain,inland to sea,art made permanent for all to see.The entrance to her lair marked by
griffons.Take heed do not stop there
I found the book that was written about her,hidden in her heart. My body&soul began to quiver with an unexplainable excitement.For now I would get to see what made her who she was,&who had written each chapter inher book,full of light &dark.That made her so appealing to me
She TILTED my heart from the shadows into the light, forcing tainted memories to be burnt out of sight. What was this magic she worked upon me. For nolonger was life just light or dark. It was
TINTED with a whole array of emotional colours,not just black & white
Nay I wish not for our moments together to be filled with the thoughts of how sojourn they are.Nor how our luv feels it has to flow between mountains arid &dry,that seek to end it all.Yet our river of dreams is enough to sustain us both.For we are made of water &earth