🎃 GraveKeysR 🎃さんのプロフィール画像

🎃 GraveKeysR 🎃さんのイラストまとめ

Digital, traditional, crafts, sculptures and all the fixin's. || I'm a Spooker called Keys! || 26 Genderfluid Asexual - He/She/They 🎃 Welcome to my corner!

フォロー数:23 フォロワー数:23

26 - Cannibalism

Slimes have some weird physical dynamics. Sometimes they like to absorb other slimes to gain energy.... quite horrifying sometimes.

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23 - Rabies

Often the two fought over his territory, his foe quick (yet weak and smaller) eventually leaving him alone for a time. Tonight however, something was wrong. When they showed, they had no fear at all, their body strained odd, what was wrong with them?

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22 - Meat Hooks

Sometimes to stop the pain, you gotta pass it on.

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17 - Poisonous Gas

Poison as thick as a fog, the mask not helping what 5ft of visible space. A figure begins to emerge. Someone familiar, but not the same.

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16 - Broken Glass

Mom told me that I can't draw you anymore... I'm really really sorry... you don't need to break things.. I'm sorry.

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15 - Face Transplant

A way for the past to not exist, a miracle of sorts really. You may believe you choose this path but in time it's learned that this life had chosen you.

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14 - Static/Error
This was a collab piece done with

S.I.N. always enjoyed making new friends and this friend was a very very special friend. They were an AI just like him! And he was gonna make sure his friend never ever forgets this moment.

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13 - Venomous

Fighting is common place of the Nagas. However even the biggest of Naga's will struggle when a group decides to fight dirty.

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12 - Siren

Dangerous creatures of the deep, a lure for men, do care for them at times.

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10 - Mummified

A goddess of her time with a smile to watch over all bellow her.

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