

24 | 🇮🇹 | Male | Addicted to fluffy ears.
Practicing art, too old to play videogames regularly.
I like colors.

フォロー数:56 フォロワー数:21

Not very satisfied with this one but oh well, more or less comfy Eula.

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Comfy Yae Miko.
Not good as I would have liked to make her but I made lots of progress anyway so that's good enough for now.

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Half finished old sketch
All I have to say is big tiddies, before starting to do something else.

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The temperature is making this world every day more inhospitable to human lifeforms and my allergy is coming back stronger than before.
In doubt, summer fox WIP.

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I've been unhappy with my stuff lately so have an unfinished fox while I take a few steps back to practice stuff I'm unhappy with.
Yes, the hand was that ugly.

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I have to thank several artits I won't name for influencing me with fox girls up to this day.
Her name is Umi, she's big. I already want to draw her again.

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Lots of experimenting but the juice of it is that I sure have no idea what I'm doing.

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Catgirl WIP that will require far more work than I think.

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Managed to draw something after all. Probably gonna re-do this from the start soon because I'm liking the idea but it's way too wonky. Also I lost hope for it looking decent in the process and starting do random stuff.

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Got in the loop of slacking off, getting up, do nothing, feel bad about the nothing done. Today after setting up for D&D and cleaning hopefully I get back to be productive.
Until that unconfirmed moment: Some WIPs to remind myself that I draw for when I check this account.

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