

Someone who likes games and art I she/they/he/20+ I TaneTime enthusiast
(Avatar by @hccupit !)

フォロー数:433 フォロワー数:419

drawing up alternate skins for ocs fun...
Moonbound Survivor Wyndor and Hallowed Nights Witt!

1 13

I came home and forgot I also drew Shit Boy!
my fav little coward, to this day he still doesn't have a name!

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Finally completed the Metheus puzzle with my friend , haha yeup that wasn't painful at all!

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A recent oc, I want to focus more on making ocs that I enjoy drawing!

0 11

My priv account got locked so I guess I gotta start sharing my blorbos here
So here's Marcy! I was really bored and wanted to draw so I just randomly made them while drawing on my phone! Fell in love with them, they're so cute!

3 26

This ended up being a big full drawing but I cannot think of a name for them but I JUST LOVE THEM SO MUCH

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Here's a link to the raffle!
also since I actually reached 50+ entries I went ahead and threw in a little sqeesh of them!

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Made this little guy just to experiment more with the tweening tools in clip studio!
I won't be keeping them though, I'm currently raffling them off on my toyhouse!

3 17

I drew Witt with his little ponytail down... he is very cute...

3 23