

🍡The Sweet Dumpling Girl of Twitter🏳️‍⚧️• Aspiring Storyteller • Professional Dork • Queen of Ben Reilly • PFP by @90spiderbros • READ WIND BREAKER🍡

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My 4 favourite Marvel characters! Can you see a pattern? (honourable mention to Miguel as my no5 he'd be here if twitter allowed more than 4 images)

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The fact Ben and Kaine don't have way more teamup books with this dynamic shows you that Marvel suck at handling great Spider-Man characters.

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New Avi! Original artwork by the colour on the 2nd version done by me. I'm quite proud of how it came out I hope did Virus amazing art justice!

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They're all Spider-Man. Don't let anyone try and tell you otherwise. Peter started it but he isn't the only one who defines it.

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The Zero games easily have the best aesthetics/designs of all the Mega Man games. It's all so sleak and translates perfectly into the GBA pixel art. Plus all the official art rules!

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Ben Reilly. Not only because Marvel have screwed him up but I feel he has a ton of potential and I love my ideas that I've had for his rewrite.

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They are all Spider-Man.

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