

I like what I like and I have no shame.

フォロー数:3834 フォロワー数:2077

"Boys can't be boys anymore in comics, also women shouldn't be dismembered in horror please think of the children"

4 28

Nah man Kaku's ladies are fine as hell

0 0

it wouldn't be the first time Miyazaki had a character that was introduced as a seemingly mundane and down to earth ally be revealed as your final opponent

1 11

No this is waaaaay further down the Skywalker bloodline, Koly Skywalker who is a redhead himself banged her and then when the topic of parenting came up she fucking left

0 9

And not to say that the manga has no sexuality in it either, it's just not Anya that's meant to be the waifu character

0 1

This goes so fucking hard

3 35

I wonder what it must’ve been like being one of the people playing Dragon a quest 1 back in the day and shitting your pants when the Dragonlord turned into this thing and it started playing different battle music

2 25

Luffy: I'm gonna become king of the pirates and I don't care who gets in my way

Secret ruler of the world:

9 67

The funniest shit about this image is that 1984 was originally written in 1949 so it was originally about the future

25 183

But Legit, how else are you gonna get all the context for Ken Panders' upcoming magnum opus

3 41