

Doodles things and likes video games. Overall likes being a introvert.

フォロー数:6 フォロワー数:494

I drew Cait and she is nice

1 7

Quick doodle of Maxi in a cute outfit i saw online

1 9

i tried drawing someone lying down and decide to use for a character to draw.

3 14

Work in progress i'm making. Yes i'm probably enjoying this too much but i don't care (・∀・)

2 20

Maxi is being a fokin tease

3 11

Her name is Maxi now.
she's very cute

1 13

So i had a weird dream last night were a lot happened thats too much to get through now but ill say in another post. Basically this girl was featured in my dream.

1 12

joins the female workout fad with me and

1 5

random doodle. Void is a bit uncomfortable.

2 9

Got a random idea to draw and got this going.

1 8