

Rebranding this account back to just being a Switch image reposting account

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Almost every gaiden chapter lmao

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With this out of the way....

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And last but not least Hawkeye. Picks it up when Marcus starts to fall off. Really solid base stats. Eventually gets slow though which doesn't help as he'll stop doubling. He'll fall off right before light, but he's been really useful before that and will be for at least 1 more c

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Only there bc of her staff rank. She can restore, barrier and heal up small gaps. High move, canto. It's useful but anyone in her range and she's dead

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Joins late. Will be the best unit in the late game though. Solid. Like him. He's good

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Isadora is pretty good. Can do her own thing. Not amazing though. Marcus is the beast in the early game. Really important in the mid and usable in certain late game maps. He eventually falls off (nawwwwww) but does so honourably. 9/10 unit

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Really good midgame utility. Helping out a lot to not give Marcus a burnout. Really solid

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