

Welcome, Welcome, Welcome!
Ohioan, YouTuber, 3D Modeler, Animator.
I'm trying to get big on Youtube and use my power and money to help the world like MrBeast.🌃

フォロー数:221 フォロワー数:2753

Also, 28 year old short petite loli right here. She's not young or prebubsecnt. lol

2 4

Yes, That's why touching kids and grooming is illegal?
Why isn't liking cartoons illegal? Maybe because it's not pedophilia???
Also, Do these look like kids to you? Lol

2 15

These characters are not referenced from any real child. They're all made up.
You don't need a real person to make your own fictional character.😂😂😂 https://t.co/GqoWyHZmpn

9 50

>Looks like a prepubescent child

I think you need an eye doctor if think this looks prepubescent. lol

2 59

This is a grown woman and she's still considered a loli. Which means it's not about being children or being young in age. It's about bodytype. https://t.co/yCMlOTaQzL

14 81

1. Wishing people death over cartoons, Real mature+Nice free report.

2. So you wish yourself dead too by your own standards? https://t.co/UYKNFt1ce4

6 32

Then why are child services and authorities begging people to stop comparing cartoon smut to real life pedophilia problems? Stop comparing harmless cartoon smut to harmful child abuse. Our children are not cartoons that can't get hurt. They are real people. You are the problem.🤦‍♂️ https://t.co/9i3uNczPdB

13 69

"I'm about to get a father with kids fired over fiction, I'm so proud!" https://t.co/B6wQ0TAknE

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2D cartoons are not people. They are not as important as real people. Stop using child abuse as an excuse to attack people over fiction you don't like. https://t.co/NfoelETe1f

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