

Official Twitter for the Siraden fantasy book series by @MBWaad and @D_Prettyman.

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Group shot of the three Stone Guardians: Naria, Arayan, and Namlai. (Chaos Song, available on Amazon)

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Etoran has been hiding powerful secrets. (From Chaos Song, available on Amazon)

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Solstice Blackstarr weaves magic into new, powerful spells with finesse. (from Soul’s Spiral)

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Abavla goes on the attack when Gonfra’s thugs come for him. (from Shadow-Spun)

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The fate of the universe rests on Abavla’s choice to follow or betray his destiny. When tragedy strikes, what will he choose?

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Everything begins with Abavla’s vision on a stormy summer day . . .

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It's time to research legends long hidden by the Alarri, the mysterious servants of the gods...

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