

Nordic Heathen 🤎 I honor the old gods 🤎 love animals and nature 🤎 Selenophile

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Hail the Allfather.
The one-eyed wise wanderer.

Be blessed dear Heathens.

Hagl Óðinn 🤎

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It is very windy outside.
Oðinns wild hunt is here.

Hail Óðinn

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It is said that if you wake up between 3 and 4 o'clock at night for no reason, a demon is watching you.
With that in mind, good night and sleep well. 🌠🌌

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The Peryton is half deer, half bird. But his shadow looks like a human.
It says that Peryton are dead human, such as travelers lost in the distance.
And some say the animal came from the lost continent of Atlantis.

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Naglfar is the death ship in Norse Mythology. It brings enemies of the gods to Ragnarok.
Depending on the source, the giant Hrymir (Gylfaginning) or Loki (Völuspá) is at the wheel.
Naglfar is made from the nails of the dead.
Warriors kept their nails short to delay Ragnarok.

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In Norse mythology, the sea goddess Rán fishes the drowned people out of the ocean with her net. 🌊🌊🌊
She takes them to their sparkling coral caves and pampers them there with mead and food in abundance. 🐚🦀

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In Norse mythology, a Fylgia is a protective and soul being.
The Fylgia is already present at the birth of her human and connects with him with the first breath.

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Huldra are nature spirits and mostly very beautiful with long hairs. You can recognize them by their tail, which resembles a fox or a cow.
But be careful! With their beguiling singing they lure you away from your path. Most of the time they are friendly.

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Rán is the Goddess over all life in the sea and over the realm of the dead at the bottom of the sea. She has a web that is so tightly woven. She pulls it through the waters. In this way, all drowned people can safely enter their realm of the dead.

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In the darkness there are northern lights in the sky. 🌌
The Vikings believed that the armor of the Valkyries would be illuminated by the moon when they bring brave warriors who died on the battlefield to Valhalla.

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