Cherry Skaphel (Comms open 0/5)さんのプロフィール画像

Cherry Skaphel (Comms open 0/5)さんのイラストまとめ

🇫🇷/🇬🇧. Illustrator. I post art, mostly tokusatsu, mech, even anime and OCs.
Please don't use/edit my art without permission

フォロー数:778 フォロワー数:9091

Alternate name: The Bullying Amatsu Gai Squad

94 370

its not the spooky month anymore but

8 41

I'm sure someone has made that joke before.

Here's the standalone versions of the ark thouser to go with it

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Also kind of throwing in the towel on this.
I'm honestly p tired and I dont think I'll touch it later on, and I'd feel too late to post it anyway.
Happy Halloween everyone.

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Welp. Didn't manage to be on time for this October. Oh well.
Here's the last couple of sketches, one is Gela's friend, and the other is the Ironwoods Maid(en)

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October 20th - Gela Again !
Obviously spent a bit more than a day on this, I mostly wanted to draw Gela's outfit, and update it a bit. But also its Gela and I just like drawing em.

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October 18th
Decided to redraw a really old thing I came across while searching for some other stuff.
An old lamia idea I dropped a while back, I still like a couple of the ideas in it so gave it an update. I might rework it again to fit some newer ideas later on.

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October 16th n 17th Some Sketches of two variants of the feline bots digis. Whereas the three tigers form their own trio, I got a secondary one of different felines. First, Panther is an explosive specialist unit, whereas Cheetah is a high speed chaser unit.

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October 15th
The upgraded version of that previous space shuttle bot.
Thinking about calling them Discoveroids ? Maybe, im not sure. This one's Voyager, the shuttle by itself is Explorer.

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October 14th - God I'm so late
Decided to rework an old idea, a space shuttle base cute robot. It was for a duel monster card back then but now i'm not sure.
It got some upgrades I'm struggling through, coming soon.

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