

✧.* • #happytwt 's resident dragon • ✧.* |•﹃•| pfp by @captain_squid_ :3

フォロー数:417 フォロワー数:1661

rendering is my favorite and least favorite part

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I like to add a layer above everything with a color that matches the mood at a low opacity (Usually 10%) to help it fit the mood better (here I used blue)^^ aaaand done! If there's any part that you'd like me to go more in depth in or you have any questions about,-

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Next, I transfer that stuff down and start doing details that look best at a lower opacity like more hair shine and others. You can change opacities and transfer down as many times as you want, until you like how it looks. Now it's pretty much finished :D

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I take white, and start of with parts that look good with 100% opacity like some hair details/jewlry, and separating some parts^^

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you're shading, and stroke highlights with the brush as well. While doing steps 1 and 3, I use the blend tool and soft airbrush erasure tool to make the edges blend in with the flat colors better^^For the highlight step, the opacity will depend on how dark the area is.

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different dark colors depending on what I'm shading, For ex bbh's dark purple skin is good with a dark saturated purple at a med-low opacity, while gold rings I'd use a lighter red-pink at a low-ish opacity. * still using round mixing brush btw*

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first start out with your flat color layer, Here I have two layers visible- lineart and flat colors. I like to add things like gradients and such on my flat color layer as well. Also, the brush I use to line is the Round Mixing Brush with these settings :D

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