

Brisbane based artist Visual Novels - Comics - Visual Storytelling

JJBA mostly tho

any pronouns 🆗

フォロー数:1361 フォロワー数:1078

Since getting a printer I can't resist turning even little doodles into stickers ahhhhhh I love it!

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So close to actually getting into production on this project now. Decided to work on a comic since my skills are more on the visual side - at least until I get used to story telling! Here's the main boy, yet to be named properly (and his iterations!)

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I got a printer recently so I've started designing stickers and omg it's so fun! Something about making physical things is just 👌👌👌

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Practice gone astray

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Going through my files and finding a bunch of old art stuff. Some things I dont remember ever doing, some things I cant even imagine myself doing now! My art feels like its changed a lot

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Working on this for school. gasp! not a doodle? something I may actually finish? here's hoping ✨

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2 more weeks of uni until I can focus on drawing and stuff again! Until then, only doodles in between work

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Getting back into drawing after a few work contracts and mid semester stuffs. Feels so good to draw againnnn ahhhhhhh

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Super busy at uni again lately but got to draw this boi-o

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Well I haven’t been able to finish nano in time but I’m really happy with the progress I made through the month. Now I have a nice solid point to work from to finally finish my first vn 🖋 bonus de-stress doodle!

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