

| 23 | he/him | #FreeKesha | conservatives can kick rocks I more active art insta: josh_levy_ew

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i’m 21 and did these so i think that’s pretty cool

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wasn’t even looking for it and here’s another example, like this isn’t healthy. This isn’t a cool thing that people should aspire to achieve.

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now what the hell would y’all do if my dumb ass started doin drag at some point, not now bc i’m lazy, but when i’m stable 💀 (yes this is a threat) ✨💖✨

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i have 4 fake teeth in the front of my mouth (not bc of nasty reasons) but i live in constant fear that they’re gonna fall out without warning and give me a panic attack while my mouth gushes with blood 💀💀💀

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all i want in life is to end up designing an album cover for a pop girl

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yes yes yes absolutely, but also, for your consideration

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you’re never too fat for a handbag

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oh honey, I’ll do anything for you

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Oh my god I’m actually doing something

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