

A goblin / artist
💚 Illustrating fantasy characters from across the lands.

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フォロー数:71 フォロワー数:12248

Humorous and friendly, Gehrman hides real pain behind his wit.

19 213



Grimlock was carved and fashioned into a warrior strong enough to protect his acre of the wildwood from highwaymen and witches alike. A pair of gnomes named Bob and Weave built him first as a statue, but it was a friendly passing dryad that gave him life.

30 329

Born in a town just outside Valtenhold, William was a hard worker, spending most of his time in his room, reading and learning. He had a great interest in inventing and was constantly trying out new contraptions, drawing up blueprints, and taking notes.

23 244

The eldest child of the noble Cascadian family, Xander received the best academic and military education available. He only took an interest in the military side of things, however, and much to the chagrin of his father, grew to be haughty and prideful.

7 128

Korrok believes that if he reaches enlightenment he will be reincarnated as a dragon. He has been sent by his monastery to recover an ancient dragon egg, taking on the responsibility of its sworn protector... once he has found it, of course.

51 520

Valya became a grave cleric after her sister passed away and her family fractured. Convinced that there was more to the story she hopes to earn her god’s trust until she can delve into his secrets.

4 118

Tapsi is a happy and relaxed bear with the personality of a really big saint bernard dog.

46 335

Valor Salvi was found as a baby left on a stump on the outskirts of the dense forest known as Melora’s Thicket. He was raised as a ranger by his adopted father, and when his father passed, Valor left the forest and began a life working for an assassins guild.

14 128