

Future Spinster | Part-time Artist | Full-Time Lazy Bones | Professional Couch Potato
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フォロー数:1062 フォロワー数:355

Never been good at decisions ^-^; So just gonna throw down a bunch of 'em! Zidane and Dagger are really close seconds for FF9. Nabooru and Malon for OoT are up there too.

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I made this piece 5 years and 1 day ago. My excitement for Transistor could not be contained ^^; Stunning game, and absolutely beautiful from start to finish! 💕

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Seeing all these throwback posts reminded me of my piece I did back in 2015. Still quite happy with how her face turned out. Wrinkles are surprisingly fun to paint :D

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Hi I'm Sketch! I like drawing pretty girls but rarely finish anything I start cuz I'm a scatterbrain D;

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I hate that it's dark so early v__v I never thought I'd say this as a dark den netflix binge watching gremlin. But I miss the sun. Feels like 9pm at 5pm. I feel like shit everyday.

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When everything on your Twitter feed is Smash and you have nothing to add to the conversation lol

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