

she/her // 26 // I like to talk about Star Wars, animation, and other nerdy things. Occasionally posting art too

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Still plugging away at One Piece and surprise surprise I love these fight boys

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So I ventured into and guess who loves it!!!

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Sup, I’m Skid! I like to draw as a hobby. Mostly bright and cartoony stuff

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Instead of doing actual art, I just keep redrawing forgotten OCs. This one is a My Hero Academia OC with a teleportation quirk

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Difference in my art exactly a year apart. Idk if it’s better but it sure is different.
(The only difference being the feathers cuz I actually developed the character later on lol)

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Content Warning: ((Self-harm))

Did another collab with the lovely with her boy Actor! Mark cuz who doesn’t love some angst. I did the line art and she did the coloring.

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Me vs my art (winner gets a $25 Applebee’s gift card)

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I don’t know much about the new game except all the trainers wear Shorts™️

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Interesting choice of words

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