

✏️Artist of the webcomic UberQuest:
{ He/Him, Bi, Dad} 🎮Let's Player and doofy head.|💖Waifu @phuufy

フォロー数:376 フォロワー数:5573

I still have my physical copy of this game. I dunno why I loved this game so much.. It can become extremely tedious. To power up your swords and weapons you need the affection of girls. So you go through a dating simulator to woo them. It's very odd. Wyna Grapple was my waifu.

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I ACTUALLY remember getting an email from Square with a multiple choice questionaire, asking about Disney characters in Final Fantasy worlds or vice versa.. This game was announced shortly after, and holds a dear place in my heart. Played this with my nephew a lot. Good games.

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Countless hours were spent playing this with my uncle and cousin. I remember trying SO HARD to defeat my uncle on this game and failing EVERY TIME. He would always use hammerhead. grab us. freeze us. Up, Down, Up, Up Machine Gun... repeat. Pissed me off. But I had my revenge.

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These games were a tiny bit past my time.. I hated them at first.. but when my nephews got into playing them.. I tried it out and found an actually pretty good game series. Now I have nostalgia for these titles. Especially with the Chao raising minigame.

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I played the Second Story first and remember being surprised that one of the areas you were in gets destroy and you can't go back. It made me go back and replay the game to make sure I didn't miss anything. I loved these games and should play them again sometime.

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I hated this game when it first came out for the same reasons everyone else did.. BUT... I did play through it completely and enjoyed it... and since then I have grown to really appreciate and enjoy it a lot. It truly is a unique story and experience. Kojima is a genius.

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Wanna talk about classic games? I remember playing King's Quest 1 and 2 on my APPLE II C. YES I had one of those. But this game was by far my favorite of the first 7 games. Fantastic beautiful hand animated worlds that you could escape to. "OH! MY!" Kudos if you get the ref.

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I think most everyone knows of this classic. Many countless hours spent playing with my cousin and friends in the multiplayer, killing each other with remote bombs and rocket launchers and just having a blast. The Single player story mode was also extremely fun.

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Let's get this out of the way. Who HASN'T been impacted by this game, good or bad? My cousin and I would go to our grandma's house every weekend to play. I actually remember pointing a giant VHS camera at my TV screen and recording a "let's play" when I first played AND beat it.

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SO HYPE FOR Let me start the morning off with a bit of fan art of the new mascot Velocity!

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