

the Gay Texas Hammer • illustrator, animator, gamer • icon & header by me

フォロー数:205 フォロワー数:190

I stayed up til 2am working on this, better appreciate it

0 3

Still trying to get the hang of Clip Studio, it's a lot to learn after Sai... anyway here's a very quick and lazy pass at some sisters

3 6

I keep trying to draw Bluefur and Snowfur but I suck at drawing Bluefur for some reason so here's Snowfur by her damn self

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bonus: mapleshade alive version™

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hey! a girl can dream...

2 24

(smash bros "SUCCESS" soundbyte)

0 2

('Soldier Side' comes on shuffle)


1 1

coupla icon commissions 🐸

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