

skirt 🇵🇱 they/them
BG artist
open for inquiries 2024

📰: skirtsan.substack.com
📸: skirtsan_
🟦☁️: skirtsan.bsky.social

フォロー数:441 フォロワー数:52405

Happy birthday Medicine Pocket! (24/11)

213 1389

lay your curses out to rest

4833 25966

Howl and Sophie

1391 8447

Thank you for 49k followers! 😌
Here are some of my recent favourite artworks :)

693 5232

My name is Skirt and I'm a BG/color/key artist based in 🇵🇱🌙
Looking for media/anim/game opportunities for the rest of 2023 and 2024!☁️💫
Clients: HYV, Studio Ppuri, Dechart Games, Derivakat + more


587 3168