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The Virgin Paladin Turalyon vs the Chad Paladin Tirion.
Forget about N'zoth & Y'sharaj. I want to see Yogg-saron play a role in the Shadowlands. His heavy connection to Arthas that was never explored would be extremely interesting to focus on.
Imagine if he abandoned his Emerald Nightmare project for instead the Shadowlands.
Everyone: "Man Bluther was pretty cool!"
Me: "I wonder what Tirion is up to..."
Four Races I wanted to see more of in the Future of World of Warcraft who don't get enough attention that they deserve.
Ban'orak has really gone through so many different and amazing iterations over the years.
These are some of my favorites.
Can't find the first Artist was a gift long ago on Skype.
2nd Art by @ZKarmaCage
3rd Art by @AizelKonArt
4th Art by @Zem1ki
Imagine minding your own business. Trying to get by any means necessary and then the two Alliance Heroes, saviors of Azeroth, from the First and Second War show up.
And they torture you in front of your family. Yikes.
...It just occurred to me that Wardens betray more often than the Demon Hunters do who're quite literally led by somebody named the Betrayer.
Maiev Shadowsong (Warcraft 3 & Stormrage), Cordana Felsong, Sira Moonwarden all betrayed their allies at some point.
Ban'orak Bladesnaw back during the Third War.
Wanted to combine certain elements of how he currently looks while also giving more of a "savage" or primitive look to him before he took on mail or plate.
Biggest hopes in Shadowlands is to right every character who was done dirty in World of Warcraft and they're dead.
Here's my own personal list.
- Vol'jin
- Anub'arak
- Kael'thas
- Cairne