

29 🇨🇦 🌈
Occasional Nosferatu // Twitch Affiliate // wanna be character artist
Destiny 2 // World of Darkness // D&D

フォロー数:161 フォロワー数:60

Sometimes I do the thing good. Last time I placed Silver 2

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4 of the NPC portraits for my chronicle. Tzimisce, Toreador, Nosferatu and Ministry...The Coterie is in for a wild ride.

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Reposting because I just upgraded my tablet and now I gotta make up for it.

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This is Philomena! She made a bad wish on some ahamkara bones and now can be a bit feral. But its fine, she'll get the hang of it eventually. A relatively new light, she ate ramen for a month to afford the dragonfly regalia.

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Late entry with my Awoken Voidwalker.
Wanted to incorporate my favourite Dragonfly Regalia set.

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Here's the 4 for the
My three: Abigail, Bakari and Godwine made for easy fits being vampires themselves, but of course we can't leave out their other boyfriend Jamie (he belongs to my RP partner)

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Just playing around with colours and working on hands.
I hate hands.

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Well tonight was a productive session
waves of Moon Wraith swarms as my cleric channeled Procan and blessed this local god's fountain to her own to bring blessed rain on them and clear them out!

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