A huge lover of cartoons/animation, video games, and animals!
Huge Cuphead and Pokémon enthusiast lover of all things cute!
Mugman is my baby!

Runs @CritterDay

フォロー数:1062 フォロワー数:1126

I have so many favorites from the channel but here are just four of them

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It's already April 16th in Japan so it still counts I guess.

Happy Early Birthday the second best Sanrio boy Pom Pom Purin!!!

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Thank you new Pokémon Snap for giving love for the Chikorita line with the Meganium hashtag!!!!

I've always loved Chikorita and it's evolutions they're my favorite grass starters along with the Rowlet line!!!

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It's national siblings day so here are my favorite Cup Children!!

I love these brothers so much can't wait to see their adventures together in the Cuphead Show!!

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Cartoon Pilots I want to see as full series someday!!!

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"why are you smiling? its just a fictional character"

The character :

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