



Senior in College/大学4年生だ @ UAB & 桜美林大学の交換留学生

I do the coding thing and watch Shion

Kami-Oshi: 🌙

フォロー数:2836 フォロワー数:785

14) Zombieland Saga: Revenge

I MISSED this series, and meant to binge the second season when it was done but only had seen the first two episodes. Finally got back around to watching it since I can't do much else atm and HOLY SHIT I forgot how much I love ZLS.

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like look at this man he's even got the 3D CGI bike

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10) Saya no Uta

I finally got around to reading it, and that wasn't as bad as I was expecting content wise I'm gonna be honest. It's still not something I can just recommend, but it was a really good read.

Fuminori is actually a pedophile though

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8) Neptunia x Senran Kagura

That was a video game. It was objectively bad but I had a lot of fun. 7/10 could not recommend. Blanc could take countless backshots ong

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