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フォロー数:713 フォロワー数:1298

Commissioned myself a birffday presento from pay what you want steam. Really really gotta settle on a name for him >.> either way, love them

0 11

Coloured that sketch from yesterday, guess I'll offer commissions in a similar vein. Still need a name for him.

1 5

They don't have a name, but I do like them so far.

3 15

Tomorrow will be spent mostly driving t get my 2nd COVID vaccine. No idea how long it'll take to get home. You still need to be wearing a mask, even if you have the vaccine. Need a new one? Use code WEARMASK for 2 dollars off

7 30

yes, the long deer. One of the best jokes in Heavenly Design Team

0 2

This is my sweet boi given too by a friend.

0 3

Fab bat reporting in, ready to be fabulous.

2 13

We still have a few more angel Chibis to upload, say hi to Nabaal. cheeb by

1 7

That's right, still got angel chibis to upload by this ones' Inari. Guess we'll post some pone too.

2 8