Sky | Lorekeeperさんのプロフィール画像

Sky | Lorekeeperさんのイラストまとめ

Part-time Worldbuilder | Dice Goblin ✨An entire maelstrom of gender✨They/Them✨30

フォロー数:1537 フォロワー数:422

For RP on the game in question (for clarity, the server is for a large RP community). But even then, our efforts are thrown back in our faces for the most part. We accept any errors, we try to fix them but there are a fair few that really push me -very- close to breaking point

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Oh I have done, we all have - multiple times & actioning disciplinary where applicable has only caused more people to ruffle their feathers & cause issue. It spirals out of control so quickly that there are times where I have almost caved & wanted to go ham with the ban hammer...

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If only I had Star Citizen ;-;

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Slowly making our way through the week and what better way to work out the stresses of work than to beat down a few monsters in ?!

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But bats are precious and if they wanted to stay, they sure as heck can stay ✨💖✨

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-Actually- trying to finish the storyline today! And we've all day to do it! Let's get started!

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